On our road trips, when we were young and the hours would make us unruly, my mother would say “Hey, look at the horse in that cloud!”, or whatever she saw and we’d say yes or say we saw something else. She always saw our suggestions and in this gazing game the unruliness would pass. […]
How I made my dream come true…
Martin Villeneuve had a dream of making a film when he was a child. With all the hope in the world he was not going to be getting the 25 million dollars he would normally need to make such a feature film. But he did, for a 10th of the cost. How did he do […]
Brand is a story about…
“The brand is a story. But it’s a story about you, not about the brand.” So says Seth Godin in his insightful post by the same line. Story elevates a logo or a name into a brand. Seth goes on to say that, “The story includes expectations and history and promises and social cues and emotions.” […]
Boycott Charity Art Auctions?!?!
“There is a tradition of auctioning original works of art donated by artists to raise money for charitable causes. There are many good causes that hold such events. No matter how good the causes, though, I have come to the conclusion that artists must stop donating to every single one of them.” So says, art […]
Write it Backwards
I love the challenges that Seth Godin put out there in the marketing world. But there are some that I have to share as a challenge to those of us marketing our art… Writing tip: say it backwards If your writing feels like nothing but easily defensible aphorisms, as if you’re saying things that are […]
The Art of Asking
Amanda Palmer is an artist who intimately knows the power of connection with and trust of her fans – patrons. In her inspiring TED Talk, she shares her insights, from her “job” as a street performer (drop a dollar in her hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), front woman for the Dresden Dolls, and now solo career, […]